by lelf
If that was not enough:
is M-x quoted-insert
(it’s a standard thing, no need for any hacks). So, say, if you remapped ^F
to Emacs’s meaning, then ^Q^F
will provide you standard Apple’s ƒ
is universal-argument
, but it’s used here only for repeats. So
C-u 3 C-q M-v
is √√√
,C-u C-u M-K
(or C-u C-u C-q M-K
if remapped M-k
) is
.Kill ring. Yay! Add "^y" = "yankAndSelect:"
to DefaultKeyBinding.dict. With that, the first C-y
will yank
, following strokes will do yank-pop
. Not quite the same way as in Emacs, but I’m surprised it’s there at all.
You will need to run these commands for repeats and kill ring:
defaults write -g NSRepeatCountBinding -string "^u"
defaults write -g NSTextKillRingSize -int 8